Prime’s Business Development Manager Matt Kerr reckons his upbringing in the Counties area of South Auckland gave him a bit of passion for small vs big.
As a keen rugby player, he represented Counties at schoolboy level and still plays for the union in the Under 85kg squad – taking on the big boys like Auckland and Waikato.
He’s doing the same in his working life.
“I’m loving the move from a big corporate energy company to the dynamic, nimble retailer Prime is.
It has enabled me to better serve customers through solutions beyond the usual barriers found in bureaucratic organisations.”
Under the leadership of Prime’s National Sales Manager Neil Brumfit, and reporting to MD Michael Skates, Kerr is focused on growing customer numbers, developing market awareness and building sales channels.
“Matt’s a real positive force, a bit like his flanker position – he’s always going after and delivering the best opportunities for customers.” says Brumfit.
Matt doesn’t mind Neil’s flanker analogy too. “Flexible, adaptable and visible whenever required – for Prime customers I’m the antithesis to slow, disjointed call-center management.”
And the rugby connection doesn’t stop there.
Prime now sponsoring the Steelers – a team his younger brother and ex Blues first five Baden plays pivot for.
“If your organization wants a partner that challenges the old industry standard of defining customers by arbitrary measures such as their size or the set-up of their meter, give me call.” says Matt.
He reckons Prime’s dedication to service and genuine ability to save customers money might just see you giving your current supplier the red card.
Contact Matt now at 0800 402 403