VPlas is New Zealand’s leading rotomoulding business partner. Creating everything from Kayaks to large diesel tanks.
Before Prime became supplier of VPlas, task one was to assist them with an upgrade of their supply – something they hadn’t been able to achieve whilst with one of the big retailer power companies due to poor service levels, but a job Prime Energy GM Neil Brumfit was happy to invest his time into.
The smarts behind the upgrade was data analysis – confirming what their demands and profile were and projecting a new demand profile based on the new equipment. The analysis showed they had a power factor issue present – costing them around $500 per month. With an increase in demand from the upgrade, their power factor penalties would be even higher. Neil recommended power factor correction upgrades and offered a service to provide a turnkey solution.
VPlas confirmed they had power factor correction planned as part of the upgrade and would install as part of that process – the design and build was already underway so Neil’s recommendation wasn’t necessary.
After VPlas switched to Prime as their supplier and the upgrade was completed, Neil noted the power factor issue was still there. He ran many reports for Vplas identifying the issues and then made the recommendation to get the installers back for a fine tune commission.
The power factor correction installer/builder could not remedy the issues and the Vector penalties were $2,000+ per month. Neil negotiated some relief from this with 2 months reprieve on the power factor penalties to allow investigation and to remedy the issue. In the end the installer/builder walked away from the issue – leaving the VPlas with the monthly cost it had sought to avoid by installing the equipment.
Neil introduced Greig McDonald of Systems Electric (3rd party contractor to Prime Energy) to Vplas. Neil has worked with Greig for many years on power factor correction build/installation projects, and recommend him to Steve Lewis (GM VPlas), that Greig review the power factor correction. Prime worked with Grieg to fixed the issues on the existing correction unit.
Thanks to Neil’s dedication and assistance from Grieg, the equipment is now working effectively without further capital expenditure. The power factor network penalties have dropped to around $200 month, which is a great result considering any further reduction would require capital investment greater than the anticipated payback.
This is a great example of how the unique approach Prime Energy employs can save its customers money, hassle and time.
To change your approach contact Neil Brumfit, neil@prime.co.nz